Digital Inclusion for All

About Town & Community

Supporting towns and communities through education, training, and employment.

Welcome to Town and Community

Town and Community Limited (TnC) is a not-for-profit Company. The purpose of TnC is to engage with the education, health and local community sectors to develop and support the delivery of projects in nurturing skill potential, carbon zero awareness, digital health, training, and employment to create strong self-sustaining local economies.

TnC has started canvasing communities and businesses in County Durham and North East Region to understand the priority challenges for the business community and residents. Working with the Town Councils, Town Ambassadors, and influential stakeholders in each town we will manage the projects through an agreed programme and deliver surgeries, focus groups, awareness campaigns, training, and education to revitalise the town centre and invigorate the wider community.

In education, we have a strong focus on delivering a new STEAMS (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics and Sports) program as well as supporting digital creativity, and innovation in primary, secondary, higher, and further education. This is aimed at opening up children’s minds into how different professional skills are underpinned by wide and interesting scientific, technological, engineering, artistic and mathematical as well as sports foundations.

In establishments with technological need, we are also supporting young adults through their training and apprenticeships with the goal of successfully achieving meaningful local employment. This is achieved through connecting the business community and higher education sector using projects and programmes.

In Health, we are improving digital inclusion in health and care pathways by repurposing digital and electronic equipment. These pathways focus on areas such as diabetes, renal, cardio and maternity providing users with access to technological equipment to manage and support their health and wellbeing. The ability of patients being able to better self-manage their conditions means a proactive health care system begins to be created instead of a reactive system that ends up putting greater pressure on a vital public service.

Through the achievement and success of the above projects we continuously achieve a further objective of protecting the environment we all depend on.

To learn more please contact us

    • clean energy awareness and education

      In 2023 we will be piloting a microgrid renewable energy community outreach project in North East England. Read more...

    • Help children overseas

      In 2023 we will be piloting a digital inclusion programme, providing IT equipment and mobile phones, training, and education in Africa, starting in Kenya